Urth's Best Organic Raw Unrefined Sugar in the World!

Urth Caffé has once again partnered with an exceptional farm to provide you with the best organic raw unrefined sugar available. We have built a direct relationship with an Ecuadoran organic sugar cane farm and are proud to bring this delicious nutritious alternative to traditional sugar to our cafés. Urth's Head Chef, Davide Giova visited the organic sugar factory in Ecuador personally. 

Urth Caffe organic raw sugar packets Wooden spoon filled with raw organic sugar 

In keeping with Urth's ethos of going above and beyond just organic and sourcing only the highest quality ingredients, this delicious pure naturally sweet unrefined sugar pairs beautifully with our heirloom (non-GMO) organic coffees. Lending them a subtle, rich, caramelly sweetness that does not overpower but delicately brings out the coffee's natural flavors. 


This exceptional organic raw unrefined sugar from sugar cane has a rich and interesting history and has been used in ancient times in various cultures throughout the world. Dating back many centuries, it is a prized and cherished culinary legacy. The earliest records of sugarcane being used as a sweetener dates back to ancient India—about the 6th century B.C. These ancient peoples would extract the juice from the cane and concentrate it to produce a product similar to the raw unrefined sugar Urth Caffé will now provide for our treasured guests. 

Ancient Ecuadorian sugar cane farm  Sugar cane next to an ancient bowl filled with raw sugar

This knowledge of sugarcane and the processes used to extract the precious sweetness then spread to other parts of the world. Later spreading to Latin America, and the Caribbean. These new environments were perfect for its cultivation because of their warm climates and extremely fertile soil. Ecuador stands out as an exceptional producer of this artisanal sweetener because of its production techniques and varieties cultivated. A tradition that is steeped richly in Latin American culture. 


The process of extraction involves carefully selecting only the very best sugar cane. Then harvesting it manually, thereby allowing the younger plants to continue to grow. The sweet juice is then extracted, filtered, clarified and then cooked in large boilers. This results in a thick molasses that is then evaporated to turn into the healthy chemical-free sugar Urth Caffé provides. 

Raw sugar cane bundled with green sugar cane leaves Sugar cane field with palm trees and mountainsFarmer carrying organic sugar cane

This is a completely 100% natural sweetener with no chemicals ever used. The only ingredient ever used is the finest cleanest sugarcane. And because this is an unrefined sugar (unlike your typical refined white sugar) it is packed with nutrients and not empty calories. 


Yes, your raw sugar can actually be good for you! Packed with essential minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and copper it could also be healthier than other natural sweeteners such as honey or agave. 

 Bulk organic raw sugarDried raw sugar, raw sugar cane and raw sugar paste

With its mild caramel-like flavor it's absolutely delicious in coffee and tea drinks and imparts a rich and subtle flavor. Try it in your favorite Urth Caffé coffee and tea drinks for a healthy and delicious beverage that is truly lower in acid and healthier for all! Available in packets and bulk, you can also take it home and use it for all your baking needs. 

Says, Urth's Co-Founder Shallom Berkman, "The taste of this sugar is amazing in coffee—and it is the healthiest form of sugar."  We are excited to share this very special organic unrefined sugar with you!

Organic sugar cane on sugar leavesEcuadorian sugar cane farm  


Written by: Lisa Mouhibian